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Anti Fog 50ml Spray-Bottle. ML Book

Anti Fog 50ml Spray-Bottle. ML Book

SKU: SKU: ABG0050150

95 in stock

Fluna Anti Fog solves one of the most annoying problems when using optics such as scopes, spotting scopes and binoculars: When moving from indoors to outdoors or from a vehicle to the open air, the optics fog up and prevent the necessary clear view. Not so with Fluna Anti Fog for hunting optics.

The application of Fluna Anti Fog creates a fine film on the glass. The solvent-based coating is easily and sparingly sprayed on with a pump bottle and does not attack your valuable optics. Fogging of glass surfaces due to temperature differences is prevented – and best of all: the anti-fogging effect for your hunting optics and special glasses lasts for several days to weeks, depending on use and application.



  • For high-quality hunting optics such as rifle scopes
  • For binoculars and spotting scopes
  • Suitable for all types of glass
  • Effective in changing temperatures and weather conditions
  • Simple, economical application
  • Transparent, residue-free coating
  • Fast and long-lasting effect


Professional sportsmen, hunters and emergency forces in many countries around the world rely with conviction on the best optical care from Fluna Tec. You can also use the perfectly coordinated product range to preserve the value of your lenses. The Fluna Optics Care Set contains the three essential products and matching cloths – that's all you'll need in the future to be prepared for any outdoor use. Fluna Tec individual products and sets are available at local specialty retailers and selected online stores.

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